1. ) List every living thing you can see

ex: a plant, a pet, a tree outside, etc

2. ) Smelling relaxing scents (like lavender and chamomile),
sharp citrus scents (orange and lemon),
and/or any scent that reminds you of a happy memory or someone you love

3. ) Touch things around you, especially textured, or odd material you don't touch often.
Think about how each material/object feels

ex: walls - chalky, bumpy, rough
desk - smooth, cool
water bottle - maybe a rough texture, cold

4. ) USE ICE

  • put an ice cube on your palm and let it melt, or see how long you can hold it before it starts to hurt

  • suck or chew on an ice cube

  • put ice or an ice pack on the back of your neck

  • putting ice on the back of your neck stimulates the vagus nerve, which can help you relax

4. ) Check in Physically

Are your shoulders bunched up? Is your back folded over? Is your jaw clenched? Are your fists clenched? Where are you holding stress/tension in your body?

Relax. Let it go. Try and soothe yourself physically as best as you can

5. ) Breathing

Try 4-7-8 breathing
Inhale 4 seconds
Hold it for 7 seconds
Exhale for 8 seconds

if you aren't able to do that, try:
inhale 4 seconds
hold 3 seconds
exhale 8 seconds

6. ) Awareness

What room are you in?What color are the walls? What's the date today? What's the weather like? How many pieces of furniture are in the room you're in right now?

Coping Mechanism - Distraction

Sometimes, we need something more than grounding - we need to distract ourselves!
The best way to distract ourselves is to listen to someone/something !
Below, I've listed some BTS videos you can watch :)

If you want something funny...

if you want something motivational...

if you want something calming/soothing/ comforting...

Spoon & Fork Theory

Let's start with Spoon Theory!

Spoon Theory is used to help explain how those with chronic pain have to ration their energy throughout the day

Spoons = Energy

Every person is given a certain amount of spoons each morning when they wake up.
For each task they do, they trade in the spoons!
For an able-bodied person, or someone who is not physically disabled, they may wake up with 200 Spoons.

For each task they do that day, they have to give up some spoons!
So, maybe,
Getting Out of Bed takes away 1 Spoon
Making Breakfast takes away 3 spoons
Showering takes away 6 spoons
Getting Dressed takes away 2 Spoons
Doing Your Hair takes away 3 spoons

  • 200 Spoons

  • - 1 Spoon

  • - 3 Spoons

  • - 6 Spoons

  • - 2 Spoons

  • - 3 Spoons

So, to get ready, all you need is to give up 15 spoons - and you still have 185 Spoons left to get through the rest of the day

Now, someone with chronic pain wakes up, and they're only given 50 Spoons

That's a lot less compared to what an able-bodied person might have.

So let's apply the same tasks, and have them get rid of the same amount of spoons:

Getting Out of Bed takes away 1 Spoon
Making Breakfast takes away 3 spoons
Showering takes away 6 spoons
Getting Dressed takes away 2 Spoons
Doing Your Hair takes away 3 spoons

  • 50 Spoons

  • - 1 Spoon

  • - 3 Spoons

  • - 6 Spoons

  • - 2 Spoons

  • - 3 Spoons

After you've gotten ready, you only have 35 Spoons left to get through the day

However, the Spoon Theory doesn't apply to mental illness
This is what the fork theory is for!

Fork Theory has some changes to it!

Fork Theory is for those with mental illnesses.
The same basis applies : the fork theory is to help explain how those with mental illness have to ration their energy

Forks = Energy

Except, this time, your amount of forks in the morning can change.
Instead of 200 each morning, or 50 each morning, you have 20 forks one morning and 60 forks the next morning.

Nightmares, not getting enough sleep, not eating enough, etc., can decrease the amount of forks you get in the morning

Just like having something good happen to you can make the amount of forks in the morning increase

Proper medication and therapy can also increase the amount of forks you have in the morning

Also, with fork theory, you can receive forks throughout the day - but you can only pay forks to get forks

A person that is mentally ill wakes up with 80 Forks

Getting Out of Bed takes 5 forks
Making Breakfast takes away 3 forks
Showering takes away 6 spoons
Getting Dressed takes away 2 forks
Doing Your Hair takes away 3 forks

  • 80

  • - 5

  • - 3

  • - 6

  • - 2

  • - 3

= 61 Forks